• Dynamic Attorney Advertising Kiosks Bring Lawyers to
    A Shopping Mall Near Y O U ! ! !
    Featuring video advertisements, professional staff, and interactive video conferencing. An intentional blurring between Advertiser and Advertisement.
The Satellite Law Suite - A Perfect Solution

What exactly is a “Satellite Law Suite™” any way?

We call it our "SLS™" for short. It's our mechanism forvirtually” situating you in one or more of the busiest shopping malls in the country. Each SLS™ takes the physical form of what’s known in the industry as an “RMU” or “Retail Merchandising Unit” (but you can think of it as a fully interactive “high-tech kiosk” situated right smack in the middle of a high traffic zone of a typical busy shopping mall).

Don't worry. You won't need to actually come to the mall unless you want to be there to shop. That's why we say it's "virtual" but with a traditional twist. Every satellite is staffed with professionally trained customer service representatives to greet potential clients and highlight the key strengths of your particular law firm.

The TLCTM is among other things, a Lawyer Referral Service.